Sunday, February 20, 2011

Real World

There are fakes, there are real. There are ones that are loved, there are ones that are hated. There are The Good,  there are The Bad. But in the world we live in today we all are bad. There is no good soul that can be there 24/7 to love, to hold, to care, and to just be a hero to the world. Their only a hero for a moment or two, from when their time passes they begin to fade, to disappear, to be forgotten.... Because you are as important to another person as the world is important to them. They care for you as much as they care for other people unlike themselves. And if you think you're any different then babe you need a reality check. Because truth is no one, no one is gonna love you more than they love themselves if your lucky someone will love you more than them. But really you gotta love yourself to live, and move on in life.


My Viewers,

Please do feel free to comment. Each response given can help me to be come a better writer. I hope you enjoy each "Art Of Life" that I have written. Please feel free to email me at
Thank you so very much.


The Real Me

I wanna be unknown. Left alone. I'm one who takes a shot to drink the pain away. The one who slit her wrist and sometimes still does just so the pain, the hate and every other damn thing can flow out her body like the blood she releases. I'm the girl that undiscovered, undecided. I'm the girl that all the out cast want to hang with because I'm open. I'm the girl that ALL the people want to be with. I'm the girl who had the guy she like beat her to shreds with his words and fits. I'm the girl who stared at her self in disgusts because she thinks shes ugly. I'm the girl that everyone thinks is pretty and cool. I'm the girl who wants to change for the better. I'm the girl with the life story that in the end you would die of a broken heart for. I'm the girl who can kill a cold hearted person with a cause of a broken heart. I'm the girl that almost committed suicide but was found and saved. I'm the girl who wishes she were dead. I'm the girl who starved herself to be thin. I'm the girl that all the boys wanted but she didn't understand why. I'm the girl with the family that doesn't love her. I'm the girl who can be a total bitch when needed. I'm the girl that wants to be who she really is and not some fake, plastic person. I'm the girl who will fight for what she loves. I'm the girl who needs to be loved but left unknown.


Dark. Touch. Kiss. Lips. Smiles. Breath. Hands. Wondering. Was the choice right. Realizing. This moment is what WE! were waiting for. Sparks. Joy. Screams. More. Of it all. Hard. Breath, Eyes meet. Love locks. Kiss. Won't tell. Wanting more from both ends. You. Needing. Me wanting. Continually. Never ending..... Love. Love is all I need. But. You need to be the one I love.

Childhood Friend

That one person I used to be close with. We were young, we had fun, we were just dumb. But then he had to go, he left. I was lost without him. I couldn't deal with missing a friend. I missed as he would call it our "blond moments." He understood me and how my life worked. He was my childhood friend. He became more of a brother than just any ordinary friend. But then I had to move on, had no choice. He was gone. I do miss him, and our moments. And yet I know he misses them too.


I need that special touch. The one that makes me grin. Makes me laugh. Makes me want you. One touch. One kiss. Our lips. Tongue. Bodies. Fingers. Run up my leg. Eyes. Go. Wide. Heart. Beats. Faster. Faster..... When. I have. Your special touch. I need more. I want more. I need you. I think you need me. I'm, hoping you want me. In the end. I. Love. And. Want. Your. Touch.

Needing To Get Away

I'm needing to get away. To go to a place where I can be me. But in this psycho world I can't be me. I try and try to be the one person I wanna be that will make me happy for me. That one person is... ME! But I can't live up to everyone's standards and be me at the same time!! Why can't anyone get that? Can anyone get what I'm trying to say? I can make it some what easier for you to understand. I want to be me but if I try that then no one will love me and care....... Even I would hate myself. So I continue on with the day, with a new mask to match the people I'm around, pleasing them, making them happy, while underneath that mask I have the real look, the real me, the real person I want to be. But in the end its all the lies, and people I'll disappoint in the end if I please myself and not everyone else. So really I can't get away. Even then my dreams are being controlled, turning into things I don't wanna dream about, think about, or even talk about. But theres no other choice, besides putting on a new mask each day and continue living THEIR lives.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sex Night

Bodies. Touch. Soft. Rough. Hurt. No Regret. You say you loved it. Lie. You hated it. Lie. Truth is. It. Was. Amazing. I. Know. You'll. Die. To. Have. Us. One. More. Time. Dark. Dreamy. Love. Beneath. Me. On. Top. Of. You. Can't get of. Kiss. Lips. Neck. That. One. Special. Touch. Goosebumps. Breathe. Loving. Each. Second. Needing. More. I. Can. Give you what you want. You. Can. Give me what I want...

                           Let's relive these moments again.